
O'Madagain, or O'Madadhain, anglicised to O'Madden, chief of Siol Anmchadha, a name latinised to Silanchia, and which got its name from Anmchadh, one of their ancient chiefs. This territory comprised the present barony of Longford, in the county of Galway, and the parish of Lusmagh, on the other side of the Shannon, in the King's County.  The O'Maddens are a branch of the Clan Colla, and of the same descent as the O'Kellys, princes of Hy Maine, and took their name from Madudan More, one of their ancient chiefs. the O'Maddens were chiefs of noe, and many of them are mentioned in the course of these Annals. there are several respectable families of the name still in Connaught. the chief representatives of this ancient and respectable family are Edward madden, Librarian of the British Museum, London; and R. Madden, esq. M.D. an eminent literary man,, author of "Travels in the East", "The United Irishmen," and other works.   [Commentary in Owen Connellan's translation of the The Four Masters Annals of Ireland 1845 p130]

Somewhere around the end of the seventh century AD the Uí Maine was divided between two brothers, the sons of Cormac.  The descendants of Eoghan Finn settled in the northern regions and became the Kelly clan and the descendants of Eoghan Buac settled in the southern regions and became the Madden clan.

Uí Maine,  often referred to as  Hy Many, covered approximately 1000 square miles in Connacht. The territory was located in what is now the north, east and south of Galway and the south and central parts of County Clare.  

Although our Patriarchal name is Madden, DNA proves we  share common Patriarchal ancestors with the Kelly clan much later in time than that initial split.  We are linked at least t William Bui O Ceallaigh or perhaps his father.  

Somewhere between then and the birth of James Madden in 1818 a Kelly child took the name of Madden. The reason is unknown.  An illegitimate child?  An adoption?  A male Kelly taking the name of a Madden wife in order to inherit?  Hiding from the English enemy?

Further DNA testers might help pin the connection to a smaller time period....we keep hoping!

  1. Catherine Ann Madden ( Caitrín Aine Ni Mhadain) m. Gregory Trindle  (Sean is brother)
  2. James Howard Madden (1924-1998) m. Jean Ann English     story pt1 pt2 wedding  pt3 pt4 pt5 [Dropbox] [stories] [pedigree]
  3. Francis Martin Madden (1896-1966) m. Louise Isabel Haffey  post pt1 pt2 pt3  [Dropbox]
  4. Thomas Francis Madden (1854-1903) m. Elizabeth Silbereisen   [Dropbox] see Great Lakes below
  5. James Madden (1818-1894) m. Anna Fitzsimmons   [Dropbox]
  6. James Madden (abt 1790 -)  m. Mary   [Dropbox]
  7. Missing Generations 31-41
  8. Madden / Kelly Ancestry   [Dropbox

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