All of the known ancestors of Elisabeth Silbereisen, our Bavarian great grandmother came from the Passau District of Bavaria. Many of their hometowns lie along a 27 km path from Eggleham to Mittendorf.

Am Berg is in Lower Bavaria. Am Berg is situated nearby to the church St. Johannes d.T. and the fire station Freiwillige Feuerwehr Weng. Am Berg was the home of Blasius Granbas when his son Bartholomew was married.
Ausham was part of the community of Höhenstadt from 1818 to 1972, it is now part of the town of Fürstenzell. The Catholic Parish is Höhenstadt, It is the home of Andreas Resch's farm Klöbl.
Cham Johann Rehrner's farm Griegl was located there.
Dorfbach since 1972 has been part of the market town of Ortenburg. The Catholic parish was Rainding and then from 1836 “Expositur” and now, since 1900 its own parish. Abraham, Dorfner, Thomas Dorfner and Philipp Silbereisen were located here at the Forge Schmied.
Egglham is a muncipality in the Landshut region about 40 km west of Passau. It is on the edge of the Bavarian Tuscany (Lower Rottal), the Klosterwinkel and the Holzland in the typical Lower Bavarian hilly landscape. The town coat of arms shown here dates from the 1970s, but it reflects the Ortenburg history of the town. The Catholic Parish is Egglham and the local church is St. Stephen's. Egglham was the location of the Resch farm Hochgrätzl.
Fuchshub belonged to the community of Sankt Salvator from 1818-1872 , since 1972 to the town of Bad Griesbach im Rottal . It is part of the Catholic parish of Rainding. Paul Hinterdobler was located here 
Fürstenzell County of Passau, parish of Höhenstadt. "Klobl" farm was located in Ausham which is now part of this town.
Göbertsham was also part of Dorfbach and now part of Ortenburg. The Catholic parish is Höhenstadt. The farm Hörmann later occupied by the Silbereisen's and the Silbereisen farm Christöffl were located here.
Hartdobl (Ober-/ Unter-) belonged to the community of Dorfbach from 1818-1972 then to the Market town of Ortenburg. The catholic Parish is Fürstenzell. Wolfgang Hartdobler was located there.
Hoibach (to the community of Egglham, county
Rottal-Inn; Catholic parish of Egglham): Michael Wahl was located here
Karling (upto the 1970’s to the community of
Aldersbach, today to the market town of Aidenbach, county of Passau; Catholic
parish of Aidenbach) Michael Wahl was located here
Kroißen (to the community of Haarbach, county of
Passau; Catholic parish of Haarbach): Joseph Freindorfer was located here
Martinstödling (to the community of Egglham,
county Rottal-Inn; Catholic parish of Egglham, affiliate church in Martinstödling): Eva Glaihaus was located here Mitterdorf belonged to the community of Schmidham, and is now part of the market town Ruhstorf an der Rott. It is in the Catholic parish of Höhenstadt. Johannes Mörtlbauer lived in house #70.
Neukirchen am Inn town and also a Catholic Parish. The following places were located in the area, possibly now absorbed into the main town. 
- Berg Bartholomäus Granbas, Blasius Granbas, and Johann Granbas farmed here.
- Königsdobl Johann Perzl was located there.
- Saag When she married Bartholomew Granabas, Maria Wimmer's father was listed in Saag. The hamlet of Saag is about 50 kilometers from Am Berg where Blasius was living so I might not have found the right place yet. That was a long distance for the 1600s
Niederreisching (upto 1972 to the community of
Engertsham, since 1972 to the community of Neuhaus am Inn, county of Passau;
Catholic parish in Engertsham). Wolfgang Deml was located here.
Obersimbach (upto 1972 to the community of
Engertsham, since 1972 to the market town of Fürstenzell, county of Passau;
Catholic parish of Engertsham): Jacob and Georg Resch lived here
Oberthambach (to the community of Haarbach,
county of Passau; Catholic parish of Beutelsbach) The Wahl farm "Liendl" is located here
Rainding is a part of the municipality of Haarbach in the Lower Bavarian district of Passau. The Catholic parish is Rainding. Florian Resch's farm Schwemwastl was in Rainding and it was also the home of Marcus Wahl.
Steinbach was part of the community of Dorfbach from 1818 to 1972 and since then has been part of the town of Ortenburg. The parish is Rainding. Steinbech was the home of Andreas Lehner and the location of Veit Mörtelbauer's farm Weikl.
Tettenweis (community in the county of Passau;
Catholic parish of Tettenweis): This may be where the farm “Taubenhub” of Melchior
Taubenhuber was located. It was also the home of Veit Stohler
Voglarn (Ober-/Unter-) since 1978 is part of the market town of Fürstenzell. The Catholic parish is Holzkirchen. Georg Silbereisen was located here.
Zell located near Rainding is also part of Haarbach and in the parish of Rainding. Martin Silbereisen had a new farm here.
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